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An updated version of the browser, which includes a simple interface, Superbar and Performance Advisor

An updated version of the browser, which includes a simple interface, Superbar and Performance Advisor

Popular programs in Web browsers

What is Internet Explorer 9 64-bit

The 64-bit version of Internet Explorer is the most functional web browser that Microsoft has ever created. You may snicker when you hear the mention of Internet Explorer, but this 64-bit version of the program gives you many more ways to enjoy the Internet than you may have realized.

The Benefits

  • Internet Explorer is the go-to web browser for almost every single thing on the Internet. Whether you like it or not, you will notice that many files and downloads online require Internet Explorer. In addition, most of the websites that require a specific browser require Internet Explorer. You need Explorer to do anything on your computer in today's world.
  • The Internet Explorer 9 64 bit version offers you better graphics than any other browser you can find. You can play games online in all their glory, and you will see artwork in much better resolution than you would on another browser.
  • The Internet Explorer options have not changed. They are synced to your computer so that you can easily manage your web history, settings and saved passwords or forms.

The Drawbacks

  • You will run into the occasional website that requires you to use a web browser other than Internet Explorer. You must get around these problems by having a backup browser. However, this is a rare occurrence because of how common Internet Explorer is.
  • The browser may be slower than the competition because the focus is on the graphics. You must remember that you can help speed up the browser by cleaning your cache and downloads regularly.
  • Internet Explorer is hard for many other people to use. Some people have gone so far away from Internet Explorer that there is no way they would ever use your computer if you only had Explorer. You may be the object of ridicule if you are using this browser.

Internet Explorer 9 in 64 bit is a much-improved version of this software, but there is no guarantee that you are going to love it. Yes, you can get on most websites with this browser, but there are websites that simply do not work with the browser. Confine yourself to games with awesome graphics if you are using this browser to avoid being the butt of jokes when people use your computer.